“Nightingale,” an action thriller set against the backdrop of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, has pulled the curtain back on its ensemble, casting “Special Ops: Lioness” and “1883” star LaMonica Garrett to lead the picture. Jason Patric, Andrew Howard and Daniel Bernhardt are also starring.
The picture comes from producers Isaac Lewis and Andrew Lewis of Denton Film. Paul Reichelt is writing and serves as executive producer. Low-budget staple William Kaufman directed the feature, which recently wrapped principal photography in Bulgaria.
Garrett is best known for his roles on “Sons of Anarchy” and “Designated Survivor.” He stars in “Nightingale” as an American Special Forces Operator and private military contractor, who must balance tending to civilian lives while rescuing his adoptive daughter, who is kidnapped and taken hostage by Russian forces in Ukraine. Patric plays a CIA handler with a shared history with Garrett’s character. Howard plays an ex-CIA asset and Ukrainian veteran. Bernhardt plays the kidnapper: a Russian commander.
Kaufman first kicked off his filmmaking career with the 2005 feature “The Prodigy.” His sophomore feature “Sinners and Saints,” starring Johnny Strong, Tom Berenger, Kevin Phillips and Method Man, has grown a cult status among DTV action fans since its release in 2010. Kaufman also took on a franchise with “Jarhead 3: The Siege” and has worked with actors like Cuba Gooding Jr., Dolph Lundgren and Lance Henriksen. He released three features in 2023.
Garrett is represented by Independent Artist Group, the Coronel Group and Christopher D. Abramson, PC. Patric is represented by More/Medavoy Management and Michelle Bega. Howard is represented by Link Entertainment, Talentworks and Accelerate. Bernhardt is represented by Gersh.
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