Interview: The project helping young former inmates find jobs in the blue economy

Europe’s marine sector needs workers, while young former inmates need jobs. “Turning Blue,” an EU-funded project, aims to offer young offenders a new life at sea while helping fill crucial industry gaps.
European prisons house nearly 1.5 million inmates, and in some countries, up to 70% of them reoffend within two years of release. According to criminal justice system experts, one of the best ways to break this cycle is a steady job.
Young offenders pose a particular challenge – and present an opportunity. Across Europe, around 15,000 under-18s are behind bars, with thousands more aged 18 to 21. Given the right support and training, many could turn their lives around and build long, productive careers.
That’s the vision behind “Turning Blue”: the EU-funded project, running in five countries until 2026, helps young people in the justice system find jobs in the growing blue economy – everything from aquaculture to coastal tourism.
“The blue economy desperately needs workers,” explains Rita Lourenço, who leads the project at Portuguese social innovation cooperative Aproximar. “Meanwhile, we have many young people in the justice system who struggle to find jobs because of their background.”
Through talks, virtual-reality experiences, and meetings with employers, the project introduces inmates to careers they might never have considered. “Most of these young people don’t even know about jobs in the blue economy – they’ve never had a chance to learn about these opportunities,” Lourenço says.
Former inmates face major hurdles when trying to enter the workforce. “Having a criminal record creates a stigma. Employers often find it hard to trust someone who has committed a crime,” explains Lourenço. “Plus, many of these young people haven’t developed basic life skills, and we know prison isn’t the best place to learn them.”
The stakes are high: without opportunities, many former inmates fall back into crime. That’s why the project works closely with prisons and blue economy businesses in Portugal, the Netherlands, Romania, Cyprus, and Italy – offering training, mentorship, and direct connections to employers.
“What matters most is giving second chances,” Rita Lourenço says. “Without them, these young people will likely reoffend – it’s almost inevitable. Society needs to step up and take some responsibility by creating real opportunities for people who’ve been through the justice system.”
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